Saturday, October 25, 2008

"Keep crying and keep walking"

All she was doing was filming the Yes on 8 people, but apparently, according to them, that's enough to justify this kind of violent behavior.

There's a push on to get 10,000 people out there pounding the pavement to rally voters and it's actually making me feel guilty. But the problem is...I'm already on shaky emotional ground in general and I honestly don't think I could talk to anyone who is seriously in favor of Prop 8 without either getting into a yelling match or breaking into tears.

It's...see, you know these people are out there; you see them with their stupid slogans hanging out near Pride Festivals and so on, but you try not to think about it most of the time. And then something this polarizing comes along and suddenly you remember that there are people out there who completely and utterly HATE who you are. And what can you say in the face of that?

There was a discussion on one of the political blogs I read about how people are saying that they're voting yes on 8 but they're not bigots. No, I'm sorry, but you don't get to say that. Because if you aren't a bigot, then why are you voting to take away my civil rights? And anyway, the result is the same, a vote yes is a vote yes, no matter how many gay friends you have.

There simply is only one reason to vote for this measure: you hate fags.

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