Tuesday, October 7, 2008

CA Prop 8

If there are only two things I want to see happen in this election year, it's a win for Obama and a defeat for California Proposition 8, which, if it passes, will amend the state constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.

After weeks of poll numbers indicating that voters in CA were going to reject Prop 8, two new polls are showing it ahead. And while I know there's plenty of time to swing it around, it's still gut-wrenching. Darkrose and I got married a little over a month ago and, you know? I'd kind of like to wake up on November 5 and not have to worry about hanging on to that status.

I'm hardly naive, particularly on this issue, but really, there are times I want to talk to the people who are doing this and ask what I ever did to them, how my spending the rest of my life with the person I love threatens them. And then I look at what we refer to as the "terrorist fist jab wedding picture" (actually we're gripping each other's hands there) and realize that really, there's nothing I can say to the people who think that that picture is a sign of all that is wrong in America.

All I can do is ask that those of you who think that it's pretty fucking awesome that in one afternoon in Sacramento county, a mixed race lesbian couple, a Hispanic straight couple and a white male couple either got licenses or got hitched spare a little positive energy or, if you can, a little money.

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